The market was basically flat for the second straight week, but technically higher. I have long been pointing to big psychological resistance of 1800 on the S&P 500 (the high on Friday was an all-time high of just under 1814, with a close of 1805). It was a pretty typical holiday-shortened week, with low volume.
Looking at the watchlist ( Download Watchlist112913 ), 70 of 100 closed above the 10dma. There were no 10% movers. Oversold names include IRG and EZPW, with EPL, CLH, ANV, NEM, SEI, CSCO, RMD and MSM more than a unit oversold. CTRX, GWW and LAYN jump out on the moderately oversold "prospects". Black 1s dropped to 10 (more on the way in two weeks, though), with only ANV a black 5. Names offering 35% or more to my one-year target include the same three as last week: ANV, PLCM and BCEI.
On stocks in the models ( Download Positionwatch112913 ), I adjusted a few targets. CHS dropped slightly on lower estimates. QCOM lifted slightly.